
S.N. Photo Name of Employee Designation Date of joining Contact
1 Dr. A. K. Singh Head (Horticulture) 2020-10-05 (+91) 8448316668
2 Dr.Sadhana Vaish Scientist (Home Science) /Officer Incharge 2001-11-26 (+91) 9415485366
3 Mr. Naushad Alam SCIENTIST (Agri. Extension) 2001-11-29 (+91) 9415631900
4 Dr.Jagdish Kishore Scientist (Plant Protection) 2004-11-29 (+91) 6393835201
5 Dr.Jitendra Singh Scientist (Agronomy) 2004-11-29 (+91) 7318569732
6 Dr.Sanjay Kumar Pandey Scientist(Animal Science) 0001-01-01 (+91) 9653015834
7 Mr. Ghanshyam Prog. Asstt. (Compuer) 2001-09-27 (+91) 945489559
8 Mr. Shailendra Bajpai Jr.Steno/CO. 2007-06-01 (+91) 9621002571
9 Mr. Vishwanath Yadav Jeep Driver 2005-12-02 (+91) 9453534023
10 Mr. Rakesh Yadav Tractor Driver 2005-12-02 (+91) 8423579036
11 Mr.Ramesh Chandra Attendant 2022-06-01 (+91) 9415535028